New Theatre Helsinki Festival 2023: Who belongs to Finland
The first edition of the New Theatre Helsinki Festival challenges us with the question Who belongs to Finland. The programme is rich, the languages are many, the artistic content is compelling and the variety in forms of artistic expression is extensive.
Theatre, dance, puppetry, stand up, poetry, music, discussions, and workshops are all featured at the festival. This 2023 edition, Who Belongs to Finland, is a unique collaboration between Svenska Teatern and New Theatre Helsinki. It takes place at Svenska Teatern from February 18th to March 11th, 2023.
Festival program below in english.
På svenska
New Theatre Helsinki Festival 2023: Who belongs to Finland är en mångkulturell teaterfestival som hyllar mångfalden inom den finländska scenkonsten. Festivalen är ett unikt samarbete mellan Svenska Teatern och New Theatre Helsinki.
Programmet är rikt, språken många och de konstnärliga uttrycksformerna likaså: teater, dans, dockteater, stand up, poesi, musik, diskussioner och workshops. Det mångsidiga festivalprogrammet riktar sig till både barn och vuxna.
New Theatre Helsinki (NTH) är ett initiativ som leds av Post Theatre Collective (PTC) och Teatteri Metamorfoosi. NTH främjar den språkliga och kulturella mångfalden i vårt samhälle inom den finländska scenkonstscenen, dess konstnärer, publik och innehåll. NTH fungerar som en plattform och brobyggare för samarbeten och möten mellan scenkonstnärer med olika bakgrund.
18.2.2023 – 11.3.2023

Festivalprogrammet / Festival program
Saturday February 18 at 19.00 – Main stage
At the festival gala The Citizen of Helsinki we celebrate a stunning cultural buffet of dances, poetry, theatre, stand-up and music.
Cuerpalatina – a nomadic dance installation
Comedian Mebe – Finland’s funniest Kurdish comedian
Chindian Queen – a decolonial poet, writer and artist
Godwin Otieno Musuma: Impressions – a dance solo that comes to life in a playful way
Sneak Peek into the Theatre of the Future – a journey to discover what the Youth find important to share
Afrojazz Quintet feat Charlotta Kerbs & Ismaila Sané – a Finnish-African band
Suitable for: All ages
Language: Multilingual
Tickets: 10-20 €

Workshop: Multilingualism
20-24.2.2023, from 10 to 16 everyday
Post Theatre Collective – Katajanokankatu 3
The Potential of Multilingualism within the Performing Arts
This workshop is part of the collaboration project The Potential of Multilingualism within the Performing Arts, led by Vanja Hamidi Isacson as playwright, and David Kozma as director, hosted by Post Theatre Collective.
We are looking for multilingual actors to take part in the full workshop in February 2023. Based on the outcome of this workshop, a possible performance could be developed with the participants.
Suitable for: Multilingual actors
Language: Multilingual

Patriotic Body: Training
2nd Skins
Tuesday February 21 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi
Suitable for: Ages 13 and up
Tickets: 10-20 €
Patriotic Body: Training
In this dance solo, the performer research patriotism through the own body. The performer asks how one can address the effects of war on the body, which belongs to the aggressor country.
Artist: Dash Che
Language: English, Finnish, Russian
2nd Skins
This solo performance presents a sophisticated animal, a human, in bodily dialogue with other skins. The skins are animal and alien; jointly familiar and strange at the same time.
Dance: Lara Müller
Language (s): Nonverbal

S2 – Kanninen, Jimeno, Boitcova
Thursday February 23 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Friday February 24 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Saturday February 25 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi
How do we find a home within ourselves and in those surrounding us? Where do we ground ourselves when our physical home is lost? With the S2 performance, we invite the audience to join us in reflecting on the meanings and structures of home, nomading, and existing in different spaces through the lens of multicultural queer experience. S2 is an abbreviation of the words “suomi toisena kielenä”, Finnish as a second language.
Performers: Anneli Kanninen, Yoandy Jimeno and Vera Boitcova
Suitable for: Ages 13 and up
Language: English, Spanish, Russian, Estonian
Tickets: 10-20 €

State of Things
Tuesday February 28 at 16.00 – Svenska Teatern
Monday March 6 at 16.00 – Svenska Teatern
Tuesday March 7 at 17.00 – Svenska Teatern
This installation is created specially for the festival. It works with serious themes but has a playful interactive form, which makes it interesting for both adults and children.
Unusual inhabitants will settle in the Svenska Teatern during the New Theatre Helsinki Festival. A kettle and a toaster, a vintage table and a floor lamp, a jacket and a suitcase that have seen it all. The objects are scattered around the theatre, they found cosy corners and regardless of being slightly shy you’ll find them very willing to tell their stories.
Installation & sight-specific audio performance: Ksenia Peretrukhina, Anastasia Trizna, Toni Randell
Suitable for: All ages
Language: Finnish, Swedish and English
Tickets: Free
The audio of the installation is available in Finnish, Swedish, and English. The installation is free of charge but requires registration.

Lamento Imenso | Helsinki
Tuesday February 28 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Wednesday March 1 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Lamento Imenso | Helsinki premiers in Finland and is a kick-off for the performances of the year 2023 in places where the artist lives, has lived, would love to live or pretend to live. In August 2022, the performance was shown as a project in progress and a preview at the Festival Citemor, Portugal.
Rogério is a performance artist, theatre director, writer, researcher, teacher, and curator based in Helsinki and Porto.
Text, dramaturgy, and performance: Rogério Nuno Costa
Suitable for: Ages 13 and up
Language: Portuguese, English (also a bit of Spanish, Finnish, French)
Tickets: 10-20 €
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi

17 1/2 Wrong Movements
Friday March 3 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Saturday March 4 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Performers from two well-toured international theatre groups momentarily distanced from the rest of their groups in Helsinki. Right people in the wrong country? Or the opposite? So many brilliant movements and moments taken out of their original context to create a new nonverbal dialogue. Optical chronicles of absurd and very visual theatre. Theatrical upcycling where something totally new is being created in an homage on the heaps of old.
This premier performance is a collaboration between two long-lived theatre companies, Engineering theatre AKHE and KREPSKO theatre group.
Wrong Movements made by, among others: Linnea Happonen, Jan Jakubal, Pavel Semchenko, Riina Tikkanen
Suitable for: All ages
Language: Nonverbal
Tickets: 10-20 €
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi

Youth Workshop: Theatre of the Future
Saturday March 4 at 11-13 – Luckan, Yrjönkatu 27
Welcome to join our session of Theatre of the Future workshop. No matter your age, previous experiences, or studies, now you have a chance to play along, improvise and discuss with our group members. No previous experience in theatre or the performing arts is needed.
Suitable for: All ages
Language: Finnish, English

Panel Discussion
Saturday March 4 at 15.00 – Luckan, Yrjönkatu 27
Building Bridges: The Diversity and Inclusion in the Performing Arts in Finland and in the Nordics
This panel discussion will gather artists and professionals of the performing arts sector from the Nordic Countries. Together, they will tackle the subjects of diversity and inclusivity in the cultural field of their respective countries. This seminar will also be a time to highlight the importance of new narratives: From the sector’s point of view, how can storytelling shift the perspective on these issues?
Suitable for: All ages
Language: Finnish, Swedish, English

Pizza Pizza Karagöz
Monday March 6 at 18.00 – NICKEN stage
A traditional Turkish puppet theatre, nearly 700 years old, takes the stage for the first time combining traditional and modern styles. This is a performance about coexistence which uses pizza as the metaphor.
Performers: Filiz Kurt Aksu, M.Mahir Aksu
Suitable for: Ages 7 and up
Language: Turkish
Tickets: 6-12 €
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi

Liebe(s) Europa Dear Europe/a
Tuesday March 7 at 19.00 – NICKEN stage
Liebe(s) Europa is an intimate theatre monologue that unveils the writer´s personal experience living in Finland as a foreigner. The trigger of the monologue goes back to 2020 when borders were closed even within Europe due to the pandemic.
On stage: Daria Trenkwalder
Suitable for: Ages 13 and up
Language: German (surtitles in English and Finnish)
Tickets: 10-20 €
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi

Shamans – A Story About Friendship and Magic
Thursday March 9 at 18.00 – NICKEN stage
Friday March 10 at 18.00 – NICKEN stage
Saturday March 11 at 14.00 – NICKEN stage
With the help of the audience, the three main characters will discover the magic of friendship and diversity. This multilingual and interactive play is a homage to shamanism, magic, and friendship.
Performers: Leandro Lefa, Taru Huokkola, Jalal Hajali
Suitable for: Children ages 5 and up
Language: Finnish, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic, Kurdish, English
Tickets: 6-12 €
Accessibility: to book wheelchair spaces, please contact biljetter@svenskateatern.fi

Workshop: Homeward
Friday March 10 at 13.00 – Luckan, Yrjönkatu 27
Contemporary Narratives on Finnish Stages
The co-creative workshop “contemporary narratives on Finnish stages” will be facilitated by the theatre director and playwright Ilaria Tucci and the team of Homeward project.
Homeward is a project that reframes how integration is understood and practiced through the use of co-creative practices. The workshop is free of charge but registration is needed. Come to explore and co-create future narratives with us!
Suitable for: Playwrights, dramaturgs, directors, actors
Language: English