Blaue Frau c/o Svenska Teatern

In English below

Blaue Frau ja joukko uraauurtavia taiteilijoita vierailevat Svenska Teaternissa! Nämä yksitoista taiteilijaa eivät ole koskaan aikaisemmin työskennelleet yhdessä. Nyt he luovat odottamattoman, provosoivan, osallistavan ja humoristisen näyttämöteoksen, joka käsittelee luokkaa ja etuoikeuksia. 

Onko Blaue Frau saapunut Svenska Teaterniin aiheuttamaan kaaosta vai panemaan marmoripylväiden ja kristallikruunujen maailman järjestykseen? 

Blaue Fraun Sonja Ahlforsin ja Joanna Wingrenin lisäksi esitystä ovat luomassa dramaturgi Per Ehrström, valosuunnittelija Alina Pajula, meikkitaiteilija Nina Vuori, koreografi Ella Effendy sekä upeat ruotsalaisvieraat: siskokset Linnéa Samia ja Shaya Khalil, visualisti Josefin Hinders, kuvittaja Johan Isaksson ja näyttelijä Vega Adsten.   

Blaue Frau yrittää muuttaa maailmaa Svenska Teaternin pienimmältä näyttämöltä käsin. Tervetuloa NICKEN-näyttämölle katsomaan, onnistuvatko he siinä!


14.9.2023 – 29.9.2023




n 2 t 30 min, sis väliajan


Ei tekstitystä. Esityskieli on ruotsi, esitystä voi seurata englanniksi.

Ikäraja on 18 vuotta.

Huom! Esitys koostuu kahdesta erillisestä osasta. Osa 1 on itsenäinen (eller erillinen) taideteos. Kun olet ostanut lipun näytökseen, tarjotaan sinulle mahdollisuus osallistua osaan 2 (perjantaina 29.9.2023). Saat lisätietoa osasta 2 kun saavut valitsemaasi esitykseen (osa 1).

Maksa mahdollisuuksiesi mukaan.
Valitse seuraavista: 100 €, 50 €, 30 €, 20 €, 10€, 3€

Participatory does not mean that you must act, it means that you get to be part of a performing arts project on your own terms! If you want to know more about what participatory theater means, take a look at our video “Participatory theater?” by Anna-Sofia Nylund

Esitykset ja liput

Blaue Frau on vuonna 2005 perustettu feministinen ammattiteatteriryhmä, joka on perustamisensa jälkeen luonut yli 30 näyttämötaideteosta. Ryhmä työskentelee temaattisesti, hierarkiattomasti, käsitteellisesti, paikka- ja aikasidonnaisesti sekä osallistujalähtöisesti. Blaue Fraun suomalais-ruotsalaiseen vakituiseen henkilökuntaan kuuluvat taiteelliset johtajat, näyttelijät ja tuottajat Joanna Wingren ja Sonja Ahlfors sekä kuvittaja, graafinen suunnittelija Johan Isaksson.

Blaue Frau is a professional feminist theatre group, founded in autumn 2005, that has organised more than 30 stage performances since that time. The group works without hierarchies: thematically, conceptually, contextually, and interactively. The Finnish and Swedish long-term members of the group include artistic directors, actors, and producers Joanna Wingren and Sonja Ahlfors as well as illustrator, graphic designer Johan Isaksson.

In English

Blaue Frau visits Svenska Teatern with a group of artists at the forefront! Eleven artists, who have never worked together before, create an unexpected, provocative, participatory and humorous performance piece about class and privilege. Has Blaue Frau come to Svenska Teatern to create chaos or to bring order among all the marble pillars and crystal chandeliers?

Sonja Ahlfors and Joanna Wingren of Blaue Frau create the show with dramaturg Per Ehrström, lighting designer Alina Pajula, makeup artist Nina Vuori, choreographer Ella Effendy and the amazing guests from Sweden: Sisters Linnéa Samia and Shaya Khalil, visualist Josefin Hinders, illustrator Johan Isaksson and actor Vega Adsten. 

Blaue Frau tries to change the world from the Swedish Theater’s smallest stage. We welcome you to NICKEN to see if they really succeed!

LANGUAGE: The performance is in Swedish, but is also available in English.
AGE LIMIT: 18 years old
WHO: Vega Adsten, Sonja Ahlfors, Ella Effendy, Per Ehrström, Josefin Hinders, Johan Isaksson, Linnéa Samia Khalil, Shaya Khalil, Alina Pajula, Nina Vuori, and Joanna Wingren.

WHEN: Premiere 14.9.2023.
WHERE: Svenska Teaterns Nicken stage
TICKETS: Pay what you can afford. Choose a category: 100€, 50€, 30€, 20€, 10€, 3€.

Note! The performance consists of two separate parts, Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 is an autonomous performance in itself. 

When you book a ticket for a performance (part 1), you will also have the opportunity to attend the final part of the performance (part 2) on 29.9.2023. You do not need to register for the performance on 29.9.2023. You will get information about part 2 (29.9) when you attend part 1 (performance of your choice).

Työryhmä / Creatives

The team

Vega Adsten (SE) is an actor currently studying at the Theater Academy in Helsinki. She has previously worked as a freelance actor based in Stockholm in her own projects and in several independent groups such as the Kaveri collective and Dramalabbet. This is the first time Vega is working with Blaue Frau.

Per Ehrström (FIN) is a dramaturge and actor. In recent years he has worked as a performance dramaturg, scriptwriter and co-creator of performances for WAUHAUS, Wasa Teater, Klockriketeatern and Sheshepop, among others. He has also taught at the University of the Arts’ Theater Academy. Per has not previously worked with Blaue Frau.

Ella Effendy (FIN / ID) is a Finnish-Indonesian artist working primarily in dance, performance, and choreography. Ella’s collaborations range from the Nordic countries to Germany, USA, South East Asia, and beyond. She is one of the founders of the performance collective Vähäkämä and the space Auttamo HKI, a place for art and activity. Ella has previously collaborated with Blaue Frau on the web platform PORTAL (, 2021-2022).

Josefin Hinders (SE) works as an artist, set and lighting designer in theater, dance and music. Josefin has directed music videos, made music for the film Nånting måste gå sönder and written a book Fula Edith – En dag blev vi stora. Josefin has worked with, among others, The Knife, Rebecca & Fiona, Seinabo Sey, Fever Ray, Nasim Aghili & Konstgruppen Ful, Eleanor Bauer and Yung Lean. Josefin has worked as a visualist for Blaue Frau in the performance This Is Not My Money (in collaboration with Subfrau, 2022).

Linnéa Samia Khalil (SE) is a Swedish singer, songwriter, musician and clothing designer. She has been working with music, both as a songwriter and performer, for over 10 years. Recently, Linnéa has been interested in creating soundscapes and music for performances. In 2020, she founded the clothing brand Pampas. This is the first time Linnéa is working with Blaue Frau.

Shaya Khalil (SE) is a DJ, drag artist and performer. Shaya has worked with multidisciplinary, immersive projects and with XR (Extended Reality). In 2022 she was selected for Women in immersive tech’s “Metaverse creation lab” as one of 10 artists to create representation and safe spaces in digital worlds and spheres. Shaya has worked with Blaue Frau in the work FATALE (in collaboration with Swedish O, 2022) and as an understudy in Blaue Frau’s production PLEASER (2022).

Alina Pajula (FIN) studied architecture and lighting design. They work with everything from club and café lighting to performing arts and exhibitions. Alina has worked with several artists and groups at the forefront of both aesthetics and content, including Janina Rajakangas, Recovery Laboratory, Meri-Maija Näykki, Geoffrey Erista. Since 2020, Alina has worked with Blaue Frau in five different projects, including PLEASER (2021) and Crimes of Passion (2022).

Nina Vuori (FIN) is a makeup artist and cosmetologist (Makeup forever Academy 2019, Stadin ammattiopisto 2022). Nina has worked on opera and TV productions, such as Rantabaari (2022) and Sibelius Academy’s Cosi Fan Tutte (2020). Currently Nina works mainly with make up for private individuals for various parties, weddings and for portraits. Nina has worked with Blaue Frau in PLEASER (2021), Crimes of Passion (2022), This Is Not My Money (2022), and in the podcast Taxen & Terriern (2021-2022).